
We grow fresh produce and sell them locally and internationally. We're three sisters working on our family land, it started as a garden in our backyard. The rest is history.

The garden

We've got a huge garden.

the library

We've got a botanical library

the reason

Why we do this

the shop

buy our produce

Homepage Team

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Friday, June 7, 2019

It's the perfect shade of green

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed scelerisque semper velit, eu dapibus libero ultricies id. Duis id ligula et lorem bibendum convallis. Nullam a ipsum non lorem efficitur scelerisque in eget risus. Aliquam ultrices interdum orci in mollis. Praesent purus tellus, rutrum at ornare non, porttitor pulvinar velit. In blandit nulla justo, at tempor quam posuere et. 

Can you recognise my love for mangoes?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed scelerisque semper velit, eu dapibus libero ultricies id. Duis id ligula et lorem bibendum convallis. Nullam a ipsum non lorem efficitur scelerisque in eget risus. Aliquam ultrices interdum orci in mollis. Praesent purus tellus, rutrum at ornare non, porttitor pulvinar velit. In blandit nulla justo, at tempor quam posuere et.